Mr. Ceausescu, are you ready for your close up?

Nicolae Ceausescu

Mr. Ceausescu was extremely particular about which images of him were allowed to be made public during his reign. Pictures of him past the age of 40 were rarely released, and he was always made to seem taller than he was, because at 5’5, he was a shorty.

the young Ceausescu, circa 1936

Doesn’t he look the very image of the young, righteous revolutionary?

Mandatory for any Whack Dictator: the propaganda portraits.  Note the scepter in the latter two paintings, which he had made after he started tripping out on megalomania and creating a cult of personality around himself.

Mr. Ceausescu in the days before his execution.

One thought on “Mr. Ceausescu, are you ready for your close up?

  1. You know what’s whack?! That sashes aren’t more popular, the final ribbon to the package that is the well dressed man!

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